Category Archives: menu plan Monday

a menu plan

Monday: Chicken noodle soup
“What’s for dinner?” asked Pete.
“Chicken noodle soup,” I said.
“Ugh,” he said. “Wait, is it Aunt Mrs. Perry Mason’s soup?”
“Yep,” I said. “OK, I’ll eat soup.”
Tuesday: Leftovers
Chili from Sunday, chicken noodle from tonight.
Wednesday: Shrimp fried rice
Yes I am telling you a shrimp fried this rice.
Thursday: Roasted sausages and veggies
It was hard finding lowish-sodium sausages.
Friday: Frozen Pizza
There’s also a “Hamilton” sing-a-long on my calendar. I’m going to have to figure out what that means.

Hungry for more? Check out the Menu Plan Monday linkup at Org Junkie.

A meal plan from the pantry

I’ve always cooked a lot of our dinners, but we’d gotten in the habit of eating out frequently. Well, we’re definitely not doing that these days. I’ve been cooking a lot. The big change here is that I’m planning our meals based on what’s in the pantry and freezer rather than just on what sounds good.

Monday: Tacos
I have some seasoned beef in the freezer already, so this is going to be an easy one.
Tuesday: Teigen chicken with fried rice
The first Chrissy Teigen recipe I ever made was her Lettuce Wraps, and it is still one of my favorites. I’m serving it with fried rice instead of lettuce this time.
Wednesday: Veggie curry
I’m going to use sweet potatoes, lentils and maybe some carrots.
Thursday: Grilled burgers
I’m crossing my fingers in hope that Aldi and Instacart will come through and bring me some hamburger buns later this week.
Friday: Pizza
Most likely from the freezer. I don’t have any dairy-free frozen pizzas on hand, though, so I’m not sure what I’ll have.
Saturday: Chicken noodle soup
I’m going to use the last bag of Krzysiak’s noodles in my freezer. I am equal parts excited and sad.

Hungry for more? Check out the Menu Plan Monday linkup at Org Junkie.

The leftovers have left the building

We went to my brother’s house for Thanksgiving, and my sister-in-law came to our house to make dinner for my in-laws. (Long story). So we had a lovely Thanksgiving meal that we didn’t have to make, and then we came home to leftovers which we turned into meals for the rest of the weekend. I highly recommend this holiday tactic.

Now that we’re out of turkey, though, we have to cook again. Here’s what we’ll be eating this week.

Monday: Chili
Rockford made a huge pot of chili yesterday. We’ll be finishing it off tonight.
Tuesday: Chicken sausages and roasted vegetables
This one was on our eMeals menu for last week. We have roasted sausages and veggies relatively often, but we don’t always use butternut squash and Brussels sprouts.
Wednesday: Butternut squash Thai curry
Apparently it’s butternut week over here. This one’s from Chrissy Teigen’s website.
Thursday: Slow cooker chicken thighs
I’m not a big fan of chicken thighs, but other people currently dining at our table are.
Friday: Sandwiches
We’re having extended family over for a game night. I’m putting out deli meats and cheese, sandwich rolls, so on, and so forth.

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