Category Archives: menu plan Monday

Trying to get my menu-planning act together

I feel like I’ve been feeding my family nothing but sandwiches lately. That’s not exactly accurate, but I’m trying to be more purposeful with our menu plans. For this week, anyway. Here’s what we’ll be having.

Monday: Tacos

I found some deeply discounted Frontera taco seasoning, and it was delicious.

Tuesday: Chicken marsala
I haven’t been cooking much lately, because our schedules have been all over the place. I’ll actually be home long enough to make a whole meal tomorrow, though. I’m pretty excited.

Wednesday: Sandwiches / potluck
We’re having a potluck at the last meeting of my writing class. The rest of the fam is having sandwiches.

Thursday: Chicken curry
This’ll be in the Crockpot, which barely feels like cooking at all.

Friday: Spaghetti and meatballs
I gave my brother a bag of frozen meatballs, and my nephews really liked them. So I’m going to make a bunch of extra meatballs for my guys.

And now we are 41

It’s 8pm on my birthday, and I am ready to go to bed. This is because of (a) the time change and (b) all of the empanadas I ate for dinner. Here’s what we’re having for the rest of Birthday Week:

Monday: Empanadas!

Rockford and I went out to a pop-up empanada shop at a local bar while the kids were at play practice. We tried one of everything — pulled pork! smoked chicken! butternut squash! elote! apple pie! — and every single one was excellent. I’d eat them every day if I could.

Tuesday: Dim sum
This was originally going to be my birthday dinner, but then the empanadas happened.

Wednesday: Breakfast for dinner
Rockford pancakes for everyone!

Thursday: Poppyseed chicken casserole
Pete’s turning 12, so I’m making his favorite meal.
Friday: Pizza
May be frozen, may be Pizza Hut. We’ll see.

bears and nifflers and food

I am currently sitting in the sunroom, waiting for our resident bear. He’s run through our backyard twice in the last hour. I think he’s doing laps. I got this picture of him a few weeks ago. He was too fast for me this time.

I’m sure he won’t be back today, since I’m ready for him. I’d like to get a trail cam to put up in the yard. We get a pretty good amount of wildlife, and I’m relatively certain the beasties come by even when I’m not actively gazing out the window.

Speaking of beasties: Pete and I have had a lot of fun this week rescuing nifflers and kneazles and the like in the new “Harry Potter: Wizards United” game. I was shocked that Poppy had no interest in playing. I guess she’s grown out of her Harry Potter obsession. It was fun while it lasted.

In non-wild or -fantastical news, I have once again cobbled together a menu plan. It’s a pretty, pretty lazy plan, because it’s summer and I’m busy watching for bears.

Here’s what we’ll be having this week.

Monday: Sandwiches

It was supposed to be spaghetti night, but Pete just now came to complain about that while I was typing. So sandwiches it is. Hope you like ham, kid.

Tuesday: Fast food
Possibly Wendy’s.

Wednesday: Frozen pizza
What a healthful week I’ve planned.

Thursday: Spaghetti
I’m putting Pete in charge of this one.