The elusive tuber

Menu Plan Monday logoOne food that continues to confound me is the baked potato. I’m not sure what it is about the humble tuber that’s so difficult, but I have yet to make one successfully. I bake them for hours, and they never get fluffy and delicious. They never even fully cook.

I generally just don’t try to make them. But every now and again Rockford wants one, and Poppy will eat them, too. So there they are on my menu again. I’m trying a new method this time, though. In a couple of hours, the spuds will go into the Crockpot. From what I’ve read, they should be done about six hours later. We shall see.

Do you have a fool-proof potato-baking method? I eagerly await your tips.

Monday: Baked potatoes

Tuesday: Blackened tilapia

Wednesday: Fajitas

Thursday: ?

Friday: Shredded beef tacos