Taxable income

So I’m back in the workforce. But just a little bit.

Poppy and I were driving home from the grocery last week when I spotted a Now Hiring sign at a local coffee shop. Later, I jokingly told Rockford I was going to apply. And then I did apply, and they hired me, and now I’m a barista. A really bad barista at this point, as I don’t know any of the recipes yet and it’s sort of hard to froth milk just right. So a barista-in-training may be a better term for it.

Anyway, I worked a few hours this weekend and, despite the I Don’t Know What I’m Doing related stress, it was sort of fun. I’m going to be working Saturday mornings, mostly, and I’ll be home just a few hours after the kids get up. It’ll get me out of the house, and I’ll finally be able to save up enough for my Marquis Jet card.