Speak up!

It’s Delurking Day, which is a thing Chris at Rude Cactus started. The general idea is this: People read blogs but they don’t leave comments, and comments are what help bloggers grow big and strong. So! If you don’t usually leave a comment, I hope you’ll make an exception today. And if you do usually comment, I still want to hear from you.

Talk about whatever you’d like. But if you can’t think of anything to say, tell me this: What’s your favorite way to relax?

4 thoughts on “Speak up!”

  1. My truck wont start, and I want to bring you the Whammer’s bed, but I cannot. And it makes me sad.

  2. howdy! We don’t have snow here, just wet rain and windy stuff. I like to relax with a good mystery (either movie or book, depending on motivation), a bowl of popcorn and a cup of hot tea. I also LOVE a board game with the 11 yr old. We play Alternative Rules Scrabble: you can make up a word, but it has to follow basic rules of spelling and have a plausible definition.
    .-= Rootietoot´s last blog ..ode to the velour track suit =-.

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