I’ve had enough winter now, thanks!

We made it out to Poppy’s ballet class yesterday afternoon. Shortly after we got home, our road magically transformed into a luge course. Rockford thought he might go out to the grocery store, but he fell on his tuchus when he walked up to check the road. It’s a very good thing that he can work from home.

In other news, my face hurts. This happens occasionally, and I’m sure it has something to do with my jaw and/or teeth. I should probably see a specialist, but then I would have to give them all of my dollars. So I’m just going to take some painkillers instead.


Brook has requested more information about the facehurt. So. Imagine that Paris Hilton’s face also hurts, in exactly the same manner as mine. The pain would radiate in a dull ache throughout her lower teeth and jaw, but the most hurtful of the hurting would be concentrated in the region where she might imagine her jaw attached to her skull. Like so:


Thank you for your assistance, Miss Hilton. I do hope that you really aren’t experiencing the same facehurt. Although if you are or have, please let me know what your specialist said to do about it.

10 thoughts on “I’ve had enough winter now, thanks!”

  1. Ooooh! Can we do internet diagnosis? 🙂
    How would you describe the pain? Where is it located?

  2. I often have the same face hurt, usually when I have to urinate really really bad. (For serious!) To make it go away, I urinate. I’m assuming that this isn’t the same problem you have. Otherwise, you’d go urinate rather than write about it. So, I’ll tell you the thing I do to make the facehurt better when I get it but dont have to urinate. I crack my jaw by excerting pretty serious force with the palm of by hand on either side of my chin while trying to look forwards. It hurts, but only for a minute, and then the whole face hurt subsides!

  3. Oh, the jaw cracking! My jaw creaks/cracks/pops with very little effort. This may or may not be part of the problem.

  4. Ditto what Emily said. A couple of my friends have TMJ issues, and it is centered right there and can lead into migraines. As for what to do about it…well, one of my friends has gone through years of orthodontic torture devices (braces, splints, I don’t even know what all) and the other had a joint replacement. That’s probably not too helpful for you.
    .-= Jeni´s last blog ..Ways to Beat the Winter Blahs without taking a cruise in the Caribbean =-.

  5. Nikki, the face hurting sounds like what I have. My jaw pops and cracks almost everytime I open it or even chew. My ear even started hurting the other day to the point I thought I had an ear infection. I went to the doctor and she said it was TMJ. The dentist told me it definitely TMJ because he could tell I was a hard clencher. I didn’t even realize I did it; I guess I do at night and when I get stressed. I’ve noticed it gets worse during tax season of work. So, to make it short (too late), I had to get a mouth guard to keep me from clenching at night so I didn’t wake up with headaches as often or have my jaw hurt as bad. Hope that helps.

  6. I was going to suggest the same thing Keri said. When I grin my teeth at night, it’s less grind-ey and more clench-ey. The mouth guard prevents my experiencing the ill effects. This is not, sadly, an option that will allow you to hold onto all of your dollars; mine was made from a fancy mold they took of my teeth. I wonder if one of the mouth guards used in various sporting events would help a little?

  7. @brook, i think they basically do. my friend used to get the “real” dentist ones, but she kept chewing them up in the night, so she just started getting the cheaper ones.

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