Bad idea, Motrin

I used a baby sling with Pete. I liked having him close, and it was nice to be able to use my arms. I stopped using it, though, because it made my back hurt. According to a recent ad from Motrin, I should have popped a few pills and powered on through.

I’m betting a few someones in Motrin’s marketing department are looking for new jobs today. While I don’t think it’s a particularly good ad, I didn’t really find it offensive. Other moms, though? They were furious. So much so that Motrin pulled the ad.

I think they were trying to be snarky and hip. But really, if there’s a group of people you shouldn’t be snarky toward? It’s women with young children. Because they’re tired, and their hormones are out of control. Or maybe that’s just me.

What do you think?

3 thoughts on “Bad idea, Motrin”

  1. I didn’t get all offended by it, but I don’t like what was implied – that moms wear their babies because it’s the hip thing to do. Most people who wear their babies do it for comfort, convenience, bonding, any number of reasons – but just because it’s the “in” thing to do? That’s ridiculous.

    I’m planning to go the babywearing route with our JellyBean for lots of reasons – but not because it’s hip.

    Jeni´s last blog post: “Projects

  2. There was actually a story about this in the New York Times. The power of Mommy bloggers is not to be under-estimated!
    Now if I can just figure out which of those baby carriers is the most comfortable! I’m thinking maybe I’ll wait until the baby’s here so I can try them out.

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