I still can't believe she likes the ravioli

Menu Plan Monday logoMonday: Butternut squash ravioli
Poppy has been asking for “butter and cheese ravioli” every day since we first tried it. It’s on the pricey side, but she’s eating a vegetable. I’m willing to shell out a few extra quarters for that.

Tuesday: Mushroom chicken
Rockford’s grandmother has this one labeled “Favorite Chicken” on her recipe card. It’s one of my favorite comfort foods, and it’s very easy. You wrap bacon around chicken breast halves, then mix sour cream and cream of mushroom soup and pour it over the chicken. It bakes at a pretty low temperature for a good long time (300 for 2 hours? I don’t remember; I usually use a meat thermometer to make sure it’s done). I think it’s best over rice.

Wednesday: Pizza

Thursday: ?
We have friends coming into town on Thursday, and I’m not sure yet what we’re doing for dinner.

Friday: In-laws’ house

2 thoughts on “I still can't believe she likes the ravioli”

  1. I don’t know if it’s as good, but Lean Cuisine makes a BN squash ravioli frozen dinner. Might be cheaper if you just want some on hand for when she asks for it 🙂

  2. That Lean Cuisine meal was the reason I bought the butternut ravioli! It’s delicious. The only problem is that I’d probably have to rinse away all of the sauce. It’s worth a shot, though!

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