Wasting time

Hello! I have a few hundred words left before I reach today’s NaNoWriMo goal, and I’m having a hard time with that. So here’s another meme. I pulled this one from Islay Girl.

Flip to page 18, paragraph 4, in the book closest to you right now. What does it say?
There is no paragraph 4 on page 18. It’s the last page of the chapter, and there are only four lines. The last line is … “Except from what you say about MJ, there could be plenty of reasons for someone to want him dead.” (Da-da-dum) (That was suspenseful music, if you were wondering).

If you stretch out your left arm – as far as possible, what are you touching?
The coffee table that’s standing in as our entertainment center.

What’s the last program you watched on tv?
“Shark,” I think.

Without looking, guess what time it is.
9:14. Hey, it’s 9:30! That wasn’t bad.

Except the computer, what can you hear right now?
The dulcet tones of Rockford’s snoring.

When was the last time you were outside and what did you do?
About 45 minutes ago. I got out of the car and came inside.

What are you wearing?
Jeans and a pink shirt.

Did you dream last night? If you did, what about?
I did dream last night. This question was the whole reason I wanted to do this meme. I dreamed that Kirstie Alley was in my closet taking all of my “skinny clothes.” When I asked her what she was doing, she said, “You’ll never need these.” The jerk.

When was the last time you laughed?
On the way home from dinner this evening.

What’s on the walls in the room you’re in right now?

Have you seen anything strange lately?
Ummmm … not that I can think of right off hand.

What do you think about this meme?
It’s long.

What’s the last film you saw?
“The Departed.”

If you became a multimillionaire, what would you do with the money?
Buy a house. Then buy some more houses for our families. Then sock the rest of it away.

Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know.
I have never, not even once, been drunk.

If you could change ONE THING in this world, without regarding politics or bad guilt – what would it be?
I would make it so children in the foster care system would be able to stay with the people who would make the best families for them.

Do you like dancing?
Yes. But I’m awful. Like, Elaine Benes awful.

George Bush?
I think he would’ve been a great baseball commissioner.

What do you want your children’s names to be, girl/boy?
I’m very happy with the one we have. I don’t want to tempt fate by answering this.

Would you ever consider living abroad?
Oh heavens no. Not again.

What do you want God to tell you when you come to heaven?
“Welcome! The chocolate river is to your left, Ice Cream Town is to your right and your giant feather bed is straight ahead.”