Vitamin deficiency

How does one convince an iron-willed toddler to take a vitamin? Her doctor suggested that, because she refuses to eat fruit and most veggies, we should give her a daily vitamin. I bought some Flintstones yesterday and offered one to her as a “treat.” And she said “No no no!” and shook her little head most emphatically. Today, I tried to sneak one in as she ate her lunch, and she gagged and, again, said “No no no!”

When we had to give JJ a kitty valium, I tucked it in with his dinner and he never noticed it was there. I don’t think that will work on Poppy.

Any suggestions?


Monica also suggested trying to crush a vitamin and add it to P’s yogurt. I pulverized a little Flintstone and stirred the powdered vitamin into some vanilla yogurt, and Poppy devoured it! So three cheers for Monica and her mom, who rumor has it is one “sly, sly foxy lady.” I would like to find a way to do this without being “sneaky” about it, though, so gummy vitamins may be in our future. Of course, Poppy won’t eat jelly beans, either, so we’ll see.

… and …

Beth over at Diary of a Playgroup Dropout asked her readers about this very dilemma!