Two stories by Poppy

Poppy frequently asks me to tell her a story, and I usually try to make up an adventure about a girl named Poppy and her brother Pete. This morning Poppy told me a couple of stories of her own, and I thought they were worth recording.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Poppy, and she was with her Mommy and Daddy, and she wanted a baby named Baby Addison, who was skinny. So her Mommy and Daddy took her to the grocery store, and Baby Addison was in a box. And they went up to the baby Addy, and they wanted a baby named Baby Addison, and she was in a box. And they wanted the right baby named Baby Addison, who had skinny hair. The baby lady brought Mommy and Daddy the right baby, who was named Baby Addison.

Lest you think we’re in the market for another child, Addison is the name of a friends’ baby.

I particularly enjoyed this story’s James Joyce-ian qualities. The second story has more of a Hemingway feel. It’s loosely based on some of the stories I’ve told Poppy, in which the kids ride their loyal puppies while they’re adventuring.

Once upon a time Pete was awake, and he rode on a puppy. But he didn’t know where to find Poppy, so he asked Mommy and Daddy. But Poppy was fishing, and she caught a fishy.

That’s the end.

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