Turns out, you can spell "cooking" without "f-u-n"

Menu Plan Monday logoI usually enjoy cooking, but I lost my kitchen mojo last week. It suddenly started to feel like a chore. I’m not sure what I need to do to make cooking enjoyable again, but I’m hoping I figure it out this week.

What do you do when the thrill is gone?

Monday: We have a meeting to go to right after Rockford gets out of work today, so we’ll probably be hitting a drive-through.

Tuesday: Parisienne Chicken from “Don’t Panic: Dinner’s in the Freezer.” (Although this particular dinner isn’t actually in the freezer.)

Wednesday: Chimichangas. This is the third week this has been on the menu. Maybe I’ll actually make it this week!

Thursday: Taco chicken soup

Friday: Pizza. I made my own pizza crust for the first time last week, and it came out really well! I’ll be trying it again this week.

I just noticed that this week’s Menu Plan Monday has a theme! I was supposed to share some of my family’s favorite recipes. The grown-ups around here love Rachael Ray’s Sloppy Joes, but the children would give you a different answer. There’s only one food that Pete doesn’t love (the avocado). And Poppy? She would eat peanut-butter-and-honey sandwiches at every meal if she had the option.