Tough night

If you have a weak stomach, you should stop here.

Still reading? Here’s a pop quiz for you!

We slept very, very little last night because :

(a) We were captivated by reruns of “The Liberace Show.”

(b) We were called to action by a team of crime-fighters.

(c) There was ridiculously loud thunder booming directly over our heads for at least two hours.

(d) We were cradling a sick toddler and cleaning vomit from the crib, the bed, the toddler and ourselves.

If you guessed (c) and (d), you’re right! The storm kept me awake from the time we went to bed until midnight, when Poppy started to cry her most serious cry. I thought the storm was to blame, but I was wrong. That was obvious when I opened her door.

There was too much to tackle on my own, so I woke Rockford up and we cleaned everything up. I took Pi downstairs to the recliner to rest, and she threw up again about 10 minutes later. After another round of cleaning up and a shower for Mommy, we spent the next hour sitting on the bathroom floor. She didn’t throw up again until we decided she was OK and moved her into our bed. Then it was back to the bathroom for about 45 minutes longer, where I sat on the floor and held her while she slept fitfully.

I took her back to our freshly made bed, where she flopped about until around 5. Rockford took her back to her room then, and she slept soundly until 9:30 this morning. She seems to be doing fine now. The only thing she ingested yesterday that I didn’t was a cup of milk when we went out for dinner. Our best guess is that their milk had gone bad and turned her little tummy.