This one goes out to …

I don’t know exactly when this picture was taken — judging from Justin’s size, I’d guess it was sometime around December 1983 — but I do remember taking it with a Polaroid camera.Photojojo newsletter directed me to The Ones We Love today.

The Ones We Love is a project highlighting young and talented photographers from around the world. Each artist contributed six photographs of the person(s) who is most important to them, taken outdoors in a natural setting. The goal of the website is to portray the people who are loved, cherished, and inspirational to these artists, and also showcase the differences and similarities in the photographs each of them took within the same guidelines.

As I browsed through the pictures there, it occurred to me that from the first picture I snapped — of my grandparents, my parents and my brother — my camera has been pointed at my family and my friends. I’m going through my photo archives, and I’m going to pull some of my favorite portraits. I’m thinking I might post them on Thursdays. I’ll be taking more pictures, too, and some of those might end up featured here as well. I’m not sure yet whether I’ll give the Thursday portrait thing a snappy name. Mostly because I can’t think of one right off hand. Any suggestions?