The sewing adventures begin

… and promptly end.

I read through Sewing 101 and Bend-the-Rules Sewing on Saturday, and I spent a little while this weekend gathering supplies for Project Seamstress. By this evening I had everything I needed to start on my first project.

It took me a little while to figure out how to wind the bobbin, but I was very proud of myself when I finally made it work. Then I moved on to the next step: Putting the bobbin in its little home. I looked closely at the diagram and then at the sewing machine. And I looked again. And again. And the little latch I was supposed to pull never appeared.

Apparently whomever is in charge of bobbin-case installation over at the sewing machine factory took the day off the day my machine went through the assembly line. The bobbin case just isn’t there. Now, I will be the first to admit that I can be a flibberty-gibbet, so I called Rockford over to examine the diagram before I panicked. He confirmed it. My poor little bobbin is homeless.

So Project Seamstress is on hold for awhile, until my replacement bobbin case arrives.