The daring adventures of a rib connoisseur

I called my dad moments after I saw the Burger King marquee advertising their newest offering. They’re making ribs now — flame-broiled, presumably — and there’s nothing Dad loves more than ribs.* He’s been keeping a list of his top rib spots for the last several years,** and considering that he orders ribs whenever they’re on the menu, it’s pretty hard to get on the list. The man knows ribs, and he isn’t afraid to eat them in the most questionable of environments. And ribs from a fast-food joint? I’d say that qualifies as questionable.

So I called to ask him to try the BK ribs and report back, so I could share his opinion of them with you. I was not at all surprised to learn that they were already on his itinerary. Here’s what he had to say:

They’re tasty, but they’re a little pricey. They don’t taste like fast food ribs, like you would expect, but they’re pretty tasty. I was surprised. They’re little short things — only about 2 bites on ’em. You get six of them for $7.50. I was impressed, but I doubt if I’d buy any more because they cost too much. I can go to a restaurant and get more ribs than that and get french fries and a salad, too.

I was surprised to hear that they weren’t all that bad, even though they certainly weren’t list-worthy. I wondered if maybe Dad was just giving them extra points just for being ribs, but this guy had pretty much the same take on them. Thanks for the report, Dad! Your culinary bravery is impressive.

*Excepting, perhaps, his children, his backyard and his motorcycle. Perhaps.

** Well, he’s been making me keep the list for him. It’s over there in the sidebar. In the event you can’t see that, though:

One thought on “The daring adventures of a rib connoisseur”

  1. I can literally hear him say “They’re little short things – only about two bits on em'”…Awesome.

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