Taming the clutter

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Rockford and I are genetically predisposed to clutter. My mom still has every piece of “artwork” I ever brought home from elementary school, and my in-laws have a letter that little 6-year-old Rockford wrote to Santa on the wall in their dining room.

I’ve kept a few things — like the kids’ ID bracelets from the hospital and Poppy’s first drawing of a person — but so far I’ve been able to restrain myself in the sentimental clutter area. My problem is recipes. I have subscriptions to a couple of recipe-heavy magazines, and a few years ago I realized I had a problem. We were moving, and I couldn’t bring myself to throw away the stacks and stacks and stacks of back issues that were on the cookbook shelves. Because there were things in there that I still wanted to try.

Enter today’s Works for Me solution: A recipe binder. I bought a 3-ring binder and some clear plastic inserts, and I went to work tearing out the recipes that had me holding onto the magazine. I slipped the pages into the plastic inserts and then threw the rest of the magazine into the recycle bin. Now, I try not to let more than two magazines pile up before I start the process again.

This still hasn’t prompted me to get around to trying those recipes any faster, but it’s definitely cut down on the clutter around the house.

Visit Rocks in My Dryer for more Works for Me Wednesday tips!