Talk to me

I know a few things about the people who stumble onto this site. I know, for one thing, that you’re an elite crew.* I know that most of you are from the United States. And that every now and then someone from Spain or Australia or the Philippines or the UK drops by. I know that some of you come here looking for sweet potato recipes or for Rockford or for Rockford’s sisters or for book reports. I even know some of you in real life.

But I’d like to know more about you.

Who are you? What brought you here? What was the best book you read in 2006?** The best movie?** Do you have a blog? Where is it? Do you like ice cream? (I do.)

It’s National Delurking Week***. Give me a little shout out, will ya?

*that’s just a nice way of saying I don’t get much traffic
**stolen directly and without shame from
***a thing I saw at Paper Napkin