Tag Archives: toy rental

Pley is a great way to feed your LEGO habit

LEGO is a pretty big deal in our house, mostly because of Rockford and Pete. Pete’s floor is always strewn with LEGOs, and he always warns me not to move them because there’s a battle underway. Poppy, though, builds the set and then it sits on her shelf forever. She enjoys the initial construction, but she isn’t really into deconstructing and building anything new. (She may have Lord Business tendencies, just like her father.) Perhaps I bought into the “Toy Story” lore a little too much, but I find it a little disheartening to see the toys just sitting around, unplayed with. So I was pretty interested in learning more about Pley. It’s a toy subscription service, and they have a ton of LEGO sets. You sign up, and Pley delivers a toy to your house. When your kids are finished playing with it, you box it up and swap it out for a new toy.

The first question I had was “What happens when we lose the steering wheel from the LEGO Friends Adventure Camper or a tiny blaster from Jabba’s Sail Barge? Not to worry, says Pley. They won’t charge you for missing pieces.

That wasn’t enough to sell me on the plan, though. So I made a list of Reasons to Give Pley a Try to convince myself.

photo courtesy Pley.com
photo courtesy Pley.com

Five Reasons to Give Pley a Try

  1. Your child can quickly tire of his new toy without you worrying that you’re raising an over-privileged, under-appreciative human. Or maybe you will still worry about that, but at least you can just mail the most recent cast-off back to Pley instead of stumbling across its remains when you go to kiss your offspring’s angelic brow goodnight. So even if you aren’t saving yourself any psychic burden, at least you’re saving your soles. It’s better for the environment this way, too. The toys from Pley aren’t going to go to the landfill when your kids have had their fill of them. They’re going to go back to Pley headquarters, where they’ll be sanitized, repackaged and shipped off to another family to enjoy.
  2. pleylogo

  3. Don’t the children in those photos look happy and contented? That’s largely because their off-camera mothers and fathers, with their tidy and organized home, are also happy and contented. I’m not saying I’d deaccession every toy my children own in favor of a monthly box from Pley, but that living room is so clean. Maybe that is what I’m saying. With a Pley subscription, you can have a rotating cast of toys in your home rather than a never-ending need for more storage.
  4. You’ll save money. If your kids know they’ll get to play with a new toy every month, they’ll be less likely to ask for everything they see at Target. OK, maybe that’s not entirely accurate, but when they do ask for things, you can deflect them with “Hey, your Pley box should be here soon!”
  5. Pley can expand your child’s horizons. When I go to the bookstore, I tend to look for authors I’m already familiar with or books for which I’ve read glowing reviews, because I don’t want to spend my money on something that could be a bust. At the library, though, I’ll pick up just about anything. Knowing I can read it and return it frees me up to explore genres and authors I normally wouldn’t check out. Likewise, exploring Pley’s toy library will give your child the chance to try out toys he or she might otherwise have skipped over.
  6. It could be the perfect gift for your spouse. Rockford has always wanted to build one of the Architecture LEGO sets, but he doesn’t want to spend $200 on one of them. A Pley subscription would allow him to build Falling Water and bask in its glory for awhile without feeling like he needed to kragle it and store it under glass.

Lest you think it’s all LEGO, Pley also toys from Knex and other companies. They even have the new “Star Wars” droid! Pley’s pricing plans run between $20 and $25 a month, depending on whether you want to make a months-long commitment or just take it month to month.

I probably won’t decimate the kids’ toy holdings anytime soon — even though you can trade your old LEGOs in for credit — but we may give Pley a shot anyway. I’m pretty sure Rockford would jump for joy if the Death Star showed up on our doorstep, and I always enjoy it when Rockford jumps for joy.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post for Pley, which means Nichole was compensated for this post.