Tag Archives: sizzling rice soup

I firmly resolve to make a perfect bowl of Sizzling Rice Soup

This year I made one New Year’s resolution: To finally figure out how to make Sizzling Rice Soup. I’ve tried to make it once or twice before, but I’ve never been able to get the broth to taste just right. I did some research while we were on the road for Christmas, and I started to pull together a plan.

I started my Sizzling Rice Soup 2015 challenge on Saturday. I tried miso soup for the first time last year, and I thought the flavor I was missing might be hiding in there. So I used a miso mix in my soup this time, and it turned out pretty well. The broth is still a bit too heavy, though, and I can’t quite get the rice right. I baked it to dry it out and then I fried it lightly just before adding it to the soup, but it didn’t get crisp enough and it didn’t sizzle. So basically we had Slightly Chewy Rice Soup. I think I may need to invest in a little deep fryer to get it right.

One does not live on Sizzling Rice Soup alone, however, so it’ll be a few weeks until I try it again. Here’s what we’re having this week for dinner:

Monday: Bacon, lettuce and avocado sandwiches
I didn’t get any special bread, nor did I buy the fancy bacon. But there’s still bacon and avocado involved, so it’ll still be a satisfactory sandwich.

Tuesday: Ravioli lasagna
The world’s simplest/laziest lasagna!

Wednesday: Chicken mafé
I’d planned to have a coconut curry chicken, but the sauce I normally buy wasn’t available. Poppy spotted an African peanut sauce and thought it sounded good, and I’m certainly not going to deny her the opportunity to try a new food.

Thursday: Fish sticks and mac & cheese
This was another Poppy request. It isn’t my favorite, so there’s a pretty good chance I’ll just be having a salad.

Friday: Pizza
Friday is usually pizza night, but I might switch it up this week.

I’m linking this up with OrgJunkie.com’s weekly Menu Plan Monday thing.