Tag Archives: reusable shopping bag

Friday links! Ears, bags, treats and ads

  • The Washington Post says you should “Leave That Ear Wax Alone in a sort of gross but ultimately informative report by Kathleen Doheny.

  • I bought some reusable shopping bags from Target awhile back, and I love them. A few of the bags sort of zip up into themselves to form a little wallet-sized packet, and they’re super-handy. When I saw them, I thought, “Boy, that probably wouldn’t be too hard to duplicate.” And then I thought, “Zippers! Argh!” And then I didn’t take the thought process any further. But someone at Whipup did! Here’s here tutorial for a wallet-sized fold-up reusable shopping bag.

  • There’s a group out there on the Internet called the Daring Bakers. Each month, they issue a baking challenge. August’s challenge? Chocolate Eclairs. Yum. I’ve joined the Daring Bakers, but I don’t think I’ll get my first challenge until October. Stay tuned.

  • Casey at Moosh in Indy is coming to terms with the fact that some things — like being a superstar or a cheerleader — aren’t in the cards for her. But she’s dealing with it gracefully and looking at the sunny side in “Never Always.”

  • Speaking of the sunny side: Peanut Butter Cups at Have Cake Will Travel! I keep thinking I’m going to make my own peanut butter cups, but it has yet to happen. For now, I’ll just drool over these.

  • Writer Rachel Beckman takes issue with targeted advertising in “Facebook Ads Target You Where It Hurts” at the Washington Post. I hadn’t paid much attention to the ads on Facebook before I read this, but I’ve been keeping an eye on them this week. They haven’t been too rude to me thus far.

  • McSweeneys occasionally features someone with an interesting or unusual job, and this recent interview with Joel Pierson, cruise ship pianist is a great one.