Tag Archives: potty training

Messes and meltdowns: A potty story

We tried to potty train Poppy a few months ago using the method that my mother-in-law used on two of her three children and on our niece. The book she used is called “Toilet Training in Less Than a Day” by Nathan Azrin. The basic premise calls for a pottying doll to show the child the general concept. Once they get what you’re trying to accomplish, you ply the child with whatever beverages and snacks they love the most and have a frantic afternoon of running to and from the potty. And in just hours, your child is potty trained.

With the help of copious amounts of M&Ms, my mother-in-law’s children were potty trained by naptime. Sophie took a bit longer, but she was also trained at 18 months — pretty darned early and a fact in which Sophie takes a considerable amount of pride. We were enthusiastic and had no doubt that Poppy would have similar success.

Alas, there was no joy in Mudville.

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