Tag Archives: kids crafts

Craft ideas for the clueless. (That would be me.)

Before we get into the Works for Me stuff, I’d like to let you all know that I’m giving away some chocolate. Please click over there and enter.

Now then.

Works for Me Wednesday logo

I would like to be one of those moms who can turn a few clothespins and a little fabric into a fleet of schooners or a darling little family. Instead, a few crayons and a piece of paper is about as creative as I get on my own. Until I magically transform into that imaginative lady, I’ll keep turning to these lovely sites:

  • Kids Craft Weekly is an email newsletter that’s packed with creative activities for children. Each newsletter is themed; this week, for example, the newsletter is all about glitter. If there were no peanut butter in this world, glitter would be Poppy’s Very Favorite Thing. So we’re pretty excited about this week’s offerings. The site also has a few great articles and suggestions, such as what ought to go in your “useful box” and how to best use that weekly theme. (One of these days, I’m actually going to put together a useful box.)
  • That creative mom I mentioned earlier? She’s blogging over at The Artful Parent. One of her most recent posts is a list of activities for every day in March. They include outdoor activities, cooking ideas and art projects. I know we won’t do each project at our house (because it’s March 4th already and thus far we haven’t done any of them), but I’d like to incorporate at least a few of them into our month.
  • Visit We are That Family for more Works for Me Wednesday tips!