Surrendering to the kids’ culinary wishes

menubuttonMacaroni and cheese and fish sticks again? Sometimes I feel like we’d be doing just as well to go to McDonald’s every night for dinner. I haven’t talked all that much here about how frequently Rockford is away, but it’s often enough to make it difficult for me to get into the habit of making a real dinner. Poppy isn’t the world’s most adventurous eater (ha!), and it’s just too discouraging to make a meal for three that one person so vehemently won’t eat. Pete’s a good eater, but his five very enthusiastic bites just don’t make up for her meal-time crabbiness. So I make something I know they’ll both eat, and then after they’re in bed I have a tuna fish sandwich or a bowl of oatmeal. Because guess who doesn’t like fish sticks? That’s right: Me. (Unless they’re on a sandwich. Poppy’s food peculiarity has its obvious roots.)

(Note: I know this is a wrong and terrible way to look at things, but some days I am doing my best to hang in there. So. Mac & cheese and fish sticks it is.)

My, that was a downer of a menu-plan intro. I blame the weather. It’s the greyest of greys here today, and stormy to boot.

Monday: Breakfast for dinner

This will be eggs, veggie sausages and toast. It’s always a hit, which is why we have it at least one night most weeks.

Tuesday: Macaroni & cheese

I was going to make this from scratch, but then Target had the blue box on sale for 90 cents.

Wednesday: Fish sticks

We bought a giant bag of fish sticks a few weeks ago. I’m hoping we’re near the bottom of it.

Thursday: Chicken-apple sausages

I hope it stops raining by Thursday, because I want to grill these. We’ll have them with Alexia oven fries, which are delicious.

Friday: Homemade pizza

I finally made pizza dough for homemade pizzas last week, and they were quite lovely. The pizza dough recipe is here, and I can’t recommend it enough. It takes some time, but it is so easy. Last Friday’s pizzas were pretty standard-issue; I’m thinking I’ll do something different this week. Rockford and I both really like Thai chicken, and I’ve been toying with the idea of a banh mi pizza. I’m just not sure what to do for the sauce. The sauce I make for the sandwiches has mayo and Sriracha in it, but I don’t like the idea of mayo on a pizza. Any ideas?

4 thoughts on “Surrendering to the kids’ culinary wishes”

  1. I totally sympathize with you here. I try so hard to be healthy, and feed my kids real food at the dinner table. But my husband works 2nd shift and is only off work to eat with us on Wed and Thurs. It’s so hard to convice myself to make a meal no one will enjoy but me and Luke, the 2 year old, who is the only other adventurous eater in my house. So half the time we end up with Mac and cheese and broccoli, or some other box type pasta and broccoli. Broccoli being the only vegetable we can all agree on. Not exactly gourmet. It doesn’t help that I don’t eat meat and all Max wants is chicken nuggets. Thank goodness for Luke. 🙂

  2. I rarely cook these days as well. I will say exactly one time in the past ten days or so. I blame it on the fact that Joe and I are NEVER home during the week at the same time and on weekends we usually like to go out somewhere. Anyway, you are feeding your kids so you get kudos for that. Don’t be too hard on yourself. As for the pizza, what about forgoing the sauce? I am actually not a big sauce person anyway and if I have great toppings, I easily wouldn’t miss it.

  3. You could thin the Sriracha with a little olive oil and spread that on the crust so that you get the yummy sweet-heat, but don’t have to deal with mayo. I’m with Amy: a no-sauce pizza is still a pizza, and pizza is delicious. Alternatively, you could try sour cream in place of the mayo, but I’d feel about the same with sour cream on my pizza as I would with mayo.

  4. I made this pizza a couple of weeks ago. The sauce recipe made about 3 times as much sauce as needed, so the leftovers made a creamy broccoli soup a couple of days later. The sauce makes it- it is so amazingly good!! As for the meats on it, I used italian sausage, bacon and canadian bacon, but I think any combo would work. It is an amazing thing!
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