Such stuff as dreams are made on

It’s one of those dreams that start in a sparsely attended, gaudy old movie theater. And then suddenly there’s a snake the size of a freight train, and everyone scatters, and it’s chasing you out toward the swimming pool. Then the swimming pool’s gone and you’re running down a gravel road and you look behind you. And it’s still there, only it’s not slithering so much as doing this horrible leaping thing like a rope being whipped about.

Then you’re in a tunnel. You’re in a tunnel, and you think you’ve lost the giant snake. And you’re relieved, momentarily. Until Zombie Shakespeare and his team of Zombie Actors stumble out of the dark, spouting iambic pentameter and coming right for you. You turn to run, and there at the other end of the tunnel? The giant snake. Loping again. Of course.

Then, blissfully, you wake up. You tell your husband, “I had a terrible dream about a giant snake and Zombie Shakespeare.” And he looks at you like you’re off your rocker.

And you wonder if maybe he’s on to something, there.

6 thoughts on “Such stuff as dreams are made on”

  1. That’s funny – and stressful and scary, too. Ever since I was pregnant with Wendy, I’ve had extremely long, vivid, convoluted dreams that vary with my hormones. They’re weird, I tell ya, and they leave me questioning my sanity when I wake up!

  2. The Zombie Shakespeare and crew spouting iambic pentameter made me laugh out loud. I’ve had some vivid dreams since getting pregnant, but none have involved zombie poetry!

  3. you have the best dreams.
    i mean, obviously not for you, but for your audience, they are quite entertaining. 😀

  4. Rockford could be on to something indeed. I had a dream last night that Georgia won their home opener 66 – 3. My dreams are kind of boring.

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