Still striving to be kid-friendly

menubuttonBaked chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes
My children are devoted to the McNugget. I’m hoping the Mommy version will be just as big a hit. Also, mashed potatoes are one of the few vegetables Poppy will eat. Although I’m hesitant to call potatoes a “vegetable,” especially when they’re mashed. Does that make me an anti-starchite? Anyway, she’ll eat them. But usually only when Rockford’s mom makes them. So this meal is a big We’ll See.

Black beans & rice
I’m thinking about making some kind of seasoned rice mix I got at the store for this, even though I already know the only part of it that Poppy will eat is plain white rice. (Have you noticed how much my meal planning involves what she’ll eat. I have.) I know that the rest of us will “chomp it up,” as Petey would say.

I bought a frozen pizza, and I fully intend to use it.

Oddly enough, this is one meal that Poppy eats without complaint. Even — especially, even — when there’s sauce involved.

Lasagna burgers
I made these a few weeks ago, and they were delicious. I probably won’t make the cheese and tomato sauce toppings again this time, though. Not that they weren’t good; I just don’t think I have the ingredients on hand. Anyway, I have a few of the burger patties in the freezer, so they’ll make an easy meal.