Seven Things

Chris tagged me back. Darn it. Here are the rules:

  • Link to the person that tagged you.
  • Post the rules.
  • Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
  • “Tag” 7 people at the end of the post and include links to their blogs.
  • Let each person know that you tagged them.

    Here they are, 7 random and rather grumpy facts about me:

    1. I usually take my socks off in the evening, while we’re watching TV. They generally end up next to the recliner. My dad and my brother do the same thing. This drives Rockford insane.
    2. I wear sweatshirts far too frequently. I’d like to start wearing nicer clothes again. But the sweatshirts are so cozy and easy.
    3. My sinuses are growing congested right now. I get unsettling crackles and pops (not unlike Rice Krispies) whenever I swallow. I’m hoping it’s just the barometric pressure going wacky rather than the prelude to a cold.
    4. I’ve called the cable company three or four times in the last two months to downgrade our cable to basic. It’ll save us about $20 a month, but I just can’t pull the trigger.
    5. Flash seems to have disappeared from our computer, and I can’t get it to reinstall. This is driving me batty. Fixed!
    6. I used to alphabetize my CDs. Now I alphabetize the spice cabinet.
    7. It bothers me a lot when someone puts a spice canister back in the wrong place.

    I’m not going to tag anyone. I’m a rebel. But please let me know if you pick up this meme.