Sad songs say so much

So, we had pizza for dinner tonight. As such, I needed to take some Gas-X. (This is more information than I intended to share, but it’s relevant to the story.) So I went into the bathroom, where Poppy was taking her bath. I can’t remember whether or not she asked what I was doing, but Rockford volunteered to her that I had gas.

So she wrote a little song about it. It goes like this:

Mommy’s got some gas,
Mommy’s got the gas!
Mommy’s got some gas!
Mommy’s got 10 gas!
and on, and on, and on, and on

6 thoughts on “Sad songs say so much”

  1. I can’t wait for all these moments to happen to me…thanks for the heads up!

  2. That’s right up there with the “MOMMY, DID YOU GO PEE PEE? DID YOU PEE PEE IN THE POTTY MOMMY? DID YOU PEE PEE LIKE A BIG GIRL?” said in a public place.

  3. Pizza gives you 10 gas?! I might avoid pizza if it gave me 10 gas. As a side note, does apple juice give you gas? I’m pretty sure it does me. Disturbing.

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