
  1. I don’t like to wear socks when I’m relaxing. If we’re at home watching TV or I’m reading a book, the socks are coming off. It’s genetic, apparently, because my dad and my brother do the same thing.
  2. At the grocery store this week, I saw a bag of hardboiled eggs. I tried to tell Rockford how gross it would be to open the bag and look inside at all of those shiny, slimy orbs. And I couldn’t finish the sentence. I had to stop in the middle of the aisle, close my eyes and breath deeply. I’m surprised I was able to type it. The quirk? I can be a little squeamish.
  3. I don’t like it when my clothes touch me. This may be more of an insecurity than a quirk.
  4. I have two pillows on my side of the bed, but apparently I don’t make optimal use of them. Rockford brought this one to my attention just this week. He claims that I only use a tiny corner of one of the pillows when I sleep. He may be right about this. I like the way the rest of the pillow sort of billows up behind my head. Typing it out like that makes it seem much stranger.
  5. I love watching previews when I go to the movies. If they offered such a thing, I’d watch previews for two hours instead of watching the movie.
  6. I like planning and making lists. My follow-through, however, is not so great.

(Thanks for the tag, Renee!)