Penguins on treadmills? Comic genius!

According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, penguins are finally starting to earn their keep.

Bumble Bee nods his head, then waddles down the runway with what looks like complete confidence, looking around at the lights, the buckets, the water hoses, the visitors, his own reflection in Plexiglas and the research scientists, who with their laptop computer collect data generated by the penguin’s every footfall. …
They hope to gain information that can be used to help people with walking challenges, including those with leg or foot injuries and the growing number of the elderly whose fear of falling often causes loss of self-confidence, which in turn can lead to loss of muscle tone and then to falls, broken bones and loss of independence. …
Next, Kurz wants to put penguins on treadmills and study how they balance when running on those little short legs.

Adorable photograph (of a king penguin in a sea of penguin chicks) courtesy Ryan Holliday.