One thousand

This is the 1,000th post here at Butterscotch Sundae. That seems sort of monumental. I feel like I should make a list. If I made a list today, though, it would be something like The Top Ten Reasons I Wish I Hadn’t Left the Laundry Outside in the Rain Last Night or How to Go Through 1,000 Boxes of Kleenex in a Week or Poppy’s Top Five Ear Infections.

Last night after dinner, Poppy asked me to clean out her ear. By bedtime she was wailing. She spent the night curled up against me, occasionally waking up to cry and have me rub her head. A trip to the doctor confirmed it: Infections in both ears.

So rather than writing something exciting or fun, I give you this week’s menu. And in a few minutes, the pharmacy should have my girl’s prescription ready to go.

Menu Plan Monday logo

Monday: Chicken salad sandwiches

Tuesday: Sweet and sour tofu

Wednesday: Ravioli

Thursday: Chimichangas

Friday: Pizza