Not the souvenir I’d requested

Last week was long. Rockford was in Shanghai all week, and the internet went out on Friday. (Not that the two on on a par as far as Things That Are Unpleasant for Nichole go, but the internet outage was the icing on a rather difficult cake.)

Rockford got home Saturday evening, and he’s been in various stages of exhausted since then. He brought home some cute pajamas for the kids and a cold for me.

The good news is: The internet guy fixed the internet for us yesterday, and today it’s gloomy and rainy. If I have to be sick in May, I’d rather the weather be blah right along with me.

One thought on “Not the souvenir I’d requested”

  1. a big {hug} to you! my Zeke was out all last week but much closer (MS). I love when they come back 🙂

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