Menu Plan Monday raids the freezer

Menu Plan Monday logoIt’s another one of those between-paychecks weeks around here, which means it’s time again to hit the freezer. Since we moved recently, my freezer stocks have dwindled. But I do have enough for two meals! I guess it’s time to start stocking up again.

Monday: Sloppy Joes
I have a few Joe “pucks” waiting in the freezer, making this an easy and budget-friendly option.

Tuesday: Lasagna Primavera
I’d expected to have half a pan of last week’s lasagna to freeze, but thanks to our post-dinner nibblers I ended up with only three pieces. That should be plenty, though.

Wednesday: Moe’s
We usually go to Moe’s after church on Sunday, but we didn’t do it this week. Poppy was pretty sad. We decided to give her a mid-week treat before we go to the fair.

Thursday: Waikiki Meatballs
My friend Carrie makes some great meatballs that I’d like to duplicate. I think this recipe might do the trick. (I know I could just ask for her recipe, but she’s out of town and I’m making my grocery list.)

Friday: Pizza