Maybe Thursday needs more exploding socks*

If nothing else, writing these Week in My Life post (an Adventuroo inventuroo) has taught me that I’m not, in fact, oversleeping every day. I’m beginning to accept that fact that I just don’t get up before 7:45. So instead of saying “I have to stop oversleeping!” it ought to be “I need to start waking up earlier.” That’s somewhat less negative. (And yes, I did sleep until 7:45 again yesterday. I’m aiming for 7:15 today.)

Yesterday was pretty much like the day before and most of our other days, for that matter: cereal, homeschool, computer time, some TV-watching, etc. These posts haven’t entirely represented our usual life in that I don’t watch all that much baseball, but the Tigers are playing in the ALCS and I’m fond of the Tigers. So there’s been a lot of baseball going on this week.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how to decorate the mantel since we moved into our new house in August. So far I haven’t made much progress, but I did make some art today that I think I’m going to put up there. I took a couple of profile pictures of the kids, played around with them in Photoshop and then had them printed at WalMart. I’d like to get some matted frames to put them in, but if I just use frames I already have the project will have costed all of 41 cents.

Rockford had a work dinner to go to last night, so we stopped at Taco Bell on our way home from the store. With the help of a couple of coupons, we spent less than $5 on dinner. After dinner I set the kids up in their sleeping bags and let them watch “The Muppets Take Manhattan.” We usually have movie night on Fridays, but I needed a bit of a break and didn’t really want to put the kids in bed at 6:30pm.

*With apologies to Gonzo.

4 thoughts on “Maybe Thursday needs more exploding socks*”

  1. I like the sleeping bags for movie night idea! I’ll have to use that when our little one gets old enough to pay attention for a movie. 🙂

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