Maybe my May goal should have been “keep it together”

We got off to a jarring start this week, with Poppy waking up Sunday night with scream-inducing ear pain. She was up and miserable for most of the night. She has an ear infection and has been medicated and feeling fine since Monday morning. It set the tone for a rather off-kilter week in which I didn’t accomplish much.

3 in 30

Consistent exercise

I’m aiming for 4 days a week. This week I only made it to the gym twice. And I didn’t make up the other two days with anything else.

Follow Weight Watchers

Nope, not even a little bit.

Be patient

This one’s so hard to quantify, exactly. I’ve been alright on this some days and not so much on others. Today, for example: Not so much.

I’m looking at a pretty stressful next week, and today is trying to squash me like a bug. (I don’t really want to get into either one of those issues just now, but prayers would be nice.)

5 thoughts on “Maybe my May goal should have been “keep it together””

  1. Said a little prayer for you today, it sounds like you are having a time. Keep striving and remember tomorrow is a new day.

  2. Hang in there and don’t hesitate to re-evaluate and adjust goals. I’ve had to do that many times! Special luck to the patience goal…yikes!

  3. Praying for you! Life throws us some nasty curve balls sometimes, but God is always there to steer us back in the right direction. He’ll carry you through!

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