Let the free samples come to you

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I get a ton of free stuff in the mail. Over the last six months or so, we’ve gotten everything from toilet paper to household cleaners to snack mix in the mail. I love free stuff. Especially when it’s good stuff!

So why are these companies sending me their products? Because I signed up to be a BzzAgent. I was a little hesitant at first — surely it had to be a scam! But it doesn’t seem to be. They send me the occasional goody, I tell a few people about it. That’s it. Oh, and as I try the new stuff and tell people about it? I accumulate points to trade in for more free stuff.

It’s addictive, really.

Want to give it a shot? You can sign up at their site, or if you’re feeling generous you can leave me your email address and I’ll have them send you an invitation.

Visit Rocks in My Dryer for more Works for Me Wednesday tips!