In which I may be too old for live music

Project 52: Date Nights logo

  • Wilco tickets!
  • Babysitters!
  • Our date night this weekend was actually an out of the house date! After we dropped the kids off at my brother’s house, we drove a few hours* to meet some friends for dinner before the show. (At a real restaurant! Where we didn’t have to ask for a high chair or crayons or a kids menu!) After dinner, we walked over to the show venue. The concert was terrific, despite the people sitting in front of me who spent most of the show leaning over talking to each other and thus blocking my view.

    (Attention: People who go to concerts just to drink beer and/or make small talk all night! Take it to the lobby! Sheesh. I think I’ve gotten old and grouchy enough to need to pony up more money for better seats, so there are fewer irritating people in front of me. Either that or just stay home and listen to my record albums on the Victrola.)

    After the show, we drove about half way back to my brother’s and checked into our 3-star-according-to-Hotwire hotel.** The hotel was just around the corner from an exotic car wash — which I assume means it had a tropical theme or something — and it was attached to a “sports bar” from which poured a steady stream of ladies dressed in various configurations of spandex. The room itself wasn’t terrible, so long as you didn’t look very closely. In other words: Wow, Hotwire, you and I? Our stars do not align.

    Fortunately, I was too tired to care all that much about the noise levels or the big rip in the curtain. It was a terrific date.

    *There aren’t many bands that I’d go to that much trouble to see, but Wilco is one of them. In fact, Wilco is probably the only one.

    **The conversation that was had when booking said hotel:
    Me: “It isn’t telling me what hotel it is.”
    Rockford: “But it’s a 3-star hotel! It’ll be fine.”
    Me: “Three star according to?”
    Rockford: “Zagat! It’s Zagat-rated.”
    Me: “It is not. But fine.” Click

    13 thoughts on “In which I may be too old for live music”

    1. You’re the third person (over 23)in less than a week who’s touted the virtues of Wilco. My son put them on my iPod and until now I have avoided listening to them but I guess I should.

      And the date? EXCELLENT! Any hotel that doesn’t have stains on the bedspread and suspicious dark spots on the mirror is 3 star to me. I am so happy you had a wonderful time 🙂

      (albums on the Victrola..that made me laugh)
      .-= rootietoot´s last blog ..Weinerdog News =-.

    2. Sounds like a fun date to me, regardless of how many stars! I’ve heard a lot of people talking about Wilco too. I’ll have to check them out.

    3. i’m glad you had an awesome date! i kinda wish you’d checked out the exotic carwash though … just in case it has anything at all to do with exotic dancers. ^_^

    4. With Hotwire I usually put in 4 star, and have never been disappointed. It’s bc they don’t tell you what hotel it is that I have been afraid to do 3 star. =)

      And I SO HEAR YOU on people who need to take their gab to the lobby. Amy and I went to see Howie Day recently, and there was a party of four to my left that didn’t stop shout-talking the ENTIRE concert. I believe my exact words to Amy were, ‘If they just wanted to talk and hang out all night, why didn’t they save their cash and listen to teh cd at someone’s house?”

    5. It sounds like an adventure. Ripped curtains and all. I feel the same way about concert goers who get up every five seconds to ge another beer!!!oh my goodness, it’s sooo annoying.

    6. how fun to get out and go to a concert. nathan and i used to go to concerts often. we haven’t been to one since we had kids. thanks for sharing and i’ll be careful if i ever use hotwire hotel. see you next week!
      tiffany {Simply Modern Mom}
      .-= Tiffany´s last blog ..Beaded Headband and Necklace Tutorial =-.

    7. So you went on date night with your husband to see your boyfriend? Isn’t that ironic? 🙂 Glad you had fun. I think I may be too old for concerts, too. I used to only want to stand so I could get all the way up to the stage and now I only want to go if I can sit and have a seat. Sad.
      .-= Amy´s last blog ..Vacation friends =-.

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