I’m so thankful for good in-laws

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Monday: French onion soup
Chloe made French onion soup from scratch when we were at her house a few weeks ago. It was delicious. I have a no-fuss soup mix in the pantry; I’m hoping it measures up to Clo’s version!

Tuesday: Dinner with friends

Wednesday: Corn and red pepper chowder
This recipe is from the one and only issue of Bon Appetit magazine that I’ve ever purchased. The Lemon Meringue Ice Cream Pie — the reason I bought the magazine — was spectacular, so I have high hopes for the soup.

Thursday: Chicken pot pie
My mother-in-law made chicken pot pie last week for dinner. “If you’re making chicken pot pie, you might as well go ahead and make two.” That’s what she told me as she was handing me the second pot pie.

Friday: Pizza