I’m quite looking forward to dinner this week

Monday: Leftovers

We had ham and its various accompaniments yesterday. Tonight, we’ll have ham and its various accompaniments. I’m thinking, though, that I might have an omelet. Featuring ham. But probably without the accompaniments, because a potato salad omelet just sounds horrid.
Menu Plan Monday

Tuesday: Tacos

Or should I say tacos! My favorite!

Wednesday: Grilled chicken

Kalyn’s Kitchen has a great guide to grilling chicken that produces some mighty tasty poultry. I’m thinking about trying this BBQ Peanut Butter Chicken marinade. Poppy will eat grilled chicken about 70 percent of the time; I’m thinking the presence of peanut butter might boost the dish’s chances a bit. And if I don’t use the PB recipe, I might try this one for Southwestern Lime Chicken with Ancho Chili Sauce. It looks like it would make great — wait for it! — tacos.

Thursday: Spaghetti and meatballs

Poppy loves spaghetti, and Pete loves meatballs. And Rockford and I love both. So it’s a win-win-win-win situation!

Friday: Pizza

2 thoughts on “I’m quite looking forward to dinner this week”

    1. I didn’t actually take very many pictures, but I will share what I have on the Facebook.

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