“I’m a creep, I’m a weirdo”

Day Four: A Stranger [Saturday]

I didn’t want to approach a stranger and ask if I could take a picture of them to put on the internet. So instead I took pictures from our moving car, like a total creep. In retrospect, maybe I should’ve just summoned my courage and spoken to someone. This was the least-identifiable picture I took.

February 4. A Stranger.

Photo Five: 10am [Monday]

I wasn’t actually awake at 10 a.m. on February 5 — I know! It was marvelous. — so I thought I’d take a 10 p.m. picture instead. And then I forgot to do it, so here’s what was going on at 10 a.m. on February 6. More spelling! Which was followed by a game of spaceship and then a little U.S. history. (Also: I had to take this picture with my computer, because I left my camera in Rockford’s car.)

February 6. Ten a.m.

Day Six: Dinner [Monday]

We had dinner with friends, who made a baked pasta dish. It was tasty.

February 6. Dinner.

Day Seven: Button [Tuesday]

I can’t find a manufacture date on it, but I think our dishwasher might be at least as old as me. It still works pretty well, though.

February 7. Button.

Day Eight: Sun [Wednesday]

It’s been unbelievably warm and lovely here lately, but Wednesday was cold and grey. As February should be, I guess. The sun made a very brief appearance in the late afternoon. It didn’t warm things up at all, but it was time enough to snap a quick picture.

February 8. Sun.

Day Nine: Front Door [Thursday]

This is the knocker on our front door. Our home is the proud recipient of the “Total Electric Living Award.” Pretty sweet.

Day Ten: Self Portrait

Well, here I am.

February 10. Self-Portrait.

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