I think I’m standing in my way

Part of the “3 in 30” program is a weekly update, and I am so not proud to provide it this week. Because I’ve made almost zero progress on my April goals.


3 in 30

Lose 5 pounds

This isn’t going so well. I’ve been doing Weight Watchers for awhile, to no avail. It seems that just paying them doesn’t actually make the pounds go away. So I should probably say I’ve been giving my money to the Weight Watchers corporation. I didn’t do a great job this week, nutritionally speaking, but I did at least write down what I ate. Mostly. I think. Next week’s goal: Write everything down, and don’t eat any more cake. Or doughnuts.


We’re eight days into April. And I’ve logged one day of exercise. That was yesterday, when I mowed the lawn and went to the gym. Fourteen days to go. Exercising once every eight days won’t get me there.

Counting blessings

Writing down a few things every evening. This was the simplest thing on my list. And I haven’t started doing it yet. I need a kick in the pants. Sheesh.

5 thoughts on “I think I’m standing in my way”

  1. I think you’re doing just fine. (I tried downloading a few Jennifer Hudson songs onto my iPod to see if her siren song would make my pounds drop off. I’m here to tell you: It doesn’t work.)

  2. Mmm, cake and doughnuts. My M.O. for the past two days: navel oranges. I bought some navel oranges, and they’re so delicious that I want to eat them all the time. Which means I’m much less inclined to raid the dark chocolate peanut butter cups.

    What sorts of exercise fit into the goal? If you took the kids to the park and chased them around for half an hour, would that count?

  3. Go a little easy on yourself…there’s alot of days left in April to make progress on your goals. 🙂 Go for it next week!

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