I never was an Emmit Smith fan…

..when he played with the Cowboys. I didn’t like the team (They DEFINITELY weren’t/aren’t “America’s Team”), the coach(es) or anything about them and I thought Emmit Smtih was arrogant and cocky. This was a period of time when I was pulling for the 49ers so that may have something to do with how I felt. Regardless, Cowboys-and-anything-associated-therein = devil spawn.

However, “Dancing With The Stars” (DWTS), the guilty pleasure that I have enjoyed for the last 10 weeks, has succeeded in making me an Emmitt Smith fan. His dancing got progressively better each week and he was the only one who seemed to be having FUN when he was dancing! Therefore, I was (and still am) very happy that Mr. Smith won DWTS last night.

What do I watch now on Tuesdays and Wednesdays? Probably “House” on Tuesdays but Wednesdays are a barren waste land until February when “Lost” returns. *sigh*… maybe I’ll read a book.