How to break your daughter’s heart

After a bit of wish-washiness on whether or not she wanted to do tae kwon do, Poppy finally decided she’d rather take dance lessons. (I think the meeting with the rather intimidating tae kwon do instructor sealed that one.) So we signed her up for a ballet-tap combo class.

The first meeting was supposed to be a few weeks ago, but the blizzard pushed it back to this weekend. As in two days ago, on Saturday. I’ve had it on my calendar for weeks.

“P. Dance. 11am.”

We were excited, and she was excited and everyone was just so excited. She was wearing the cute little tights and the sweet little leotard with the floaty pink skirt and she twirled and leapt and my camera was in my purse and this was going to be a great day, and we were off.

Rockford and Pete had an 11 o’clock meeting to get to, so he dropped Poppy and I off at the dance place about 15 minutes early. But then I began to get a feeling that Something Wasn’t Right. I frequently get that sort of feeling on the first day of a new thing, though — that “I have made a mistake, we’re supposed to be in another building at another time on another day” feeling — so I put it out of my mind for a few minutes. Then I grabbed the brochure and looked through it, and there it was.

Beginner Ballet/Tap. Saturdays. 10:15-11:00am.

My heart sunk. I don’t know how I’d managed to confuse the start time and the end time for her class, but I’d done it. And then I had to break her sweet little heart by telling her, “Mommy messed up, dear. Maybe next week.”

She fell apart, and I tried to hold it together. I carried her out of the building, and we walked up the street together for about half a mile. The wails turned to whimpers after a quarter-mile or so, and we almost achieved a smile when we got to Bojangles and had a milk and a biscuit.

She was fine after that, but I spent the majority of Saturday feeling like a major heel. I know that she’ll forget about this one eventually, but I worry that this is systemic. That there will be plenty more such occasions to remember. This, even though I bought myself a planner for Christmas. I’m making a real effort to be more organized. I’ve been writing down all of our appointments on a calendar instead of on scraps of paper, even. And this is what it gets me. A morning of tears and fast-food biscuits.

Let’s look on the bright side, though. It is highly unlikely that I’ll get the time wrong for this particular appointment again.

5 thoughts on “How to break your daughter’s heart”

  1. I’m sorry. I know that’s hard and I know exactly what you mean about new-day nervousness. I must have checked and double-checked my room number and class time a million times last week before classes started. Yuck. But P will forget.

  2. Aw, that’s sad. We have a dry-erase calendar on the fridge to keep track of stuff like that. It helps since I look at it several times a day.

  3. my mother forgot me all the time. mom and dad constantly thought the other was picking me up. this lasted until highschool. and i don’t think it made me too weird!

  4. Do they still have Bojangles! Oh my god, I loved Bojangles.

    I hate this kind of thing, breaking their poor little hearts and it’s amazing how much they hang on to the stupidest little things.

  5. OP: I could be slow (lord knows I have been told lol) but you made totally no sense…

    Spam o’ the day!

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