How Rockford and Robert Downey Jr. turned my frown upside-down

Rockford was busy busy busy all last week. I do logically understand that it’s hard to be present-in-a-meaningful-way when you leave for work at 6:45am and don’t get home until 10pm. But I was feeling unappreciated and lonesome and insert-some-more-first-world-problems-here by Thursday night and so on Friday when the cat ate my pizza and the kids wouldn’t go to sleep and Rockford was out at a concert, the stress boiled over and turned into bitterness and I woke up in a major funk on Saturday morning.

I was still a sad and crabby crab until we left Target on Saturday afternoon and Rockford turned right instead of left and dropped me off in front of the movie theater.

“You need a break,” he said. “Go watch ‘Iron Man.’ Have some popcorn. We’ll pick you up when it’s over.”

So that’s what I did. It turns out that Robert Downey Jr. was just what I needed. (Well, that and an understanding husband. That helped, too.)

Monday: Quesadillas

Yesterday we had Shredded Beef Tacos because it was Cinco de Mayo and I am predictable. Today some of us will be using the leftover beef to make quesadillas, while others will just be using cheese.

Tuesday: Butternut squash ravioli

Last week I gave the kids a little alfredo sauce on the side as a dip, and they devoured it. So we’re having it again this week!

Wednesday: Fish sticks & mac ‘n’ cheese

It’s Poppy’s week to pick the kids’ choice meal. I was pleased that she asked for something to go along with the mac & cheese.

Thursday: Orange chicken

I saw this on Pinterest a few days ago and thought it sounded intriguing.

Friday: Birthday fiesta

Friday is my father-in-law’s birthday! I’m not sure what my mother-in-law will be making, but I’m positive it’ll be good.

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