Three hours is not enough time to tour Charleston

Rockford had a quick trip to Charleston SC for a meeting this week, and he wanted me to come along. I’m not one to say no to a trip to Charleston, so we packed the kids off to the grandparents and drove a billion hours to the coast. We had a terrific dinner Wednesday night, and my camera and I wandered around the city for about three hours yesterday.

It was really warm in Charleston, and the young beautiful people took full advantage of that. Marion Square was full of bikini-clad girls and shirtless dudes. I took a few pictures of the square — it’s a really lovely bit of green space right smack in the middle of the city — and found this guy when I was editing the pictures. I hope to have a tenth of his confidence someday.


I generally feel pretty silly walking around taking pictures by myself. Sometimes I just let the camera hang on my shoulder and click photos while I walk. Every now and then, it captures something other than the ground. They’re wonky, but I’m OK with that.

Charleston SC

Sax Fifth Ave., Charleston SC

There are lots of people at the City Market making beautiful baskets, and I wanted a picture like this one. Alas, none of them would let me take their picture. So I took a picture of Market Street instead. I need to spend more time around palm trees; it’s hard to be mopey next to a palm tree.

Market Street, Charleston SC

On the job

I like robots. I like candy. So why didn’t I go into the Robot Candy Co.? Because I’d already spent all of my dollars on carrot cake.

Robot Candy Co.

Rainbow. Charleston SC.

5 thoughts on “Three hours is not enough time to tour Charleston”

  1. No, 3 hours is way too short! 🙂 Did you get down to the Battery at all?

  2. I just read a Pat Conroy book which was set in Charleston and now I really want to go and visit it for myself. Very jealous of your mini-tour.

  3. I have to admit when I was there I spent most of my dollars in the Robot Candy store. You’re probably better off not having gone in. It sucks you in like crazy.

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