Getting better

Last night.

Last night was a just-fine night. Until it became a bad night.

We were relaxing, watching TV, Poppy was playing. Then Poppy was throwing up. Over and over and over again. And then she got slumpy and so pale, and her lips were turning from rosy to flesh-colored to bluish. And then we were at the urgent care center and then the emergency room and the nurses were holding my baby down, trying to put an IV into her tiny hand, and she was screaming and crying and looking at me, so frightened and confused.

It was a bad night.

But today has been so much better. Poppy seems to be over her virus (that was the doctor’s best guess); she’s been herself again all day. And while she and Grandpa took a two-hour nap, I floated in the pool and played fetch with the dogs and read a book.

It was a much-welcomed break.