Category Archives: grace in small things

A tradition of gratitude

We’ve been sharing our Favorite Parts of the Day over dinner since Poppy suggested back in 2011. Pete’s highlights nearly always include the snacks he enjoyed over the course of the day, Poppy always appreciates time spent with friends, and both kids love it when they wake up in time to have breakfast with Rockford. My favorite parts of our days tend to be snuggles, watching the kids succeed in their various activities and — when I have the opportunity — recharging with some alone time. Rockford is generally, like his son, grateful for his food and time spent with me and the kids.

I love hearing what the kids find memorable and enjoyable. It’s always fun when one of their friends joins us for dinner, too, and Poppy and Pete include them in our family tradition. It usually throws them off a little a first, but then they too start to enthusiastically rehash the best parts of their days.

Just like in 2011, when we first started talking about our Favorite Parts of the Day, I tend to focus on the negative. Sharing our Favorites has become one of my favorite parts of our days, and I think it’s helped me accentuate the positive a bit, at least for a few minutes while we sit down to dinner.

NaBloPoMo November 2015

Sometimes it’s tough to focus on seeing the grace

I’m not in a great mood today. My uncle unfriended me on Facebook because I questioned his judgement. I went to Trader Joe’s to pick up a few things, and everyone else in the city was also there to pick up a few things. It’s been raining all day. Poppy’s writing a story in which I play the role of “the evil grown-up.”

But also.

Rockford is recovering a bit more every day. Poppy made some delicious brownies last night. I slept in this morning. It’s almost Thanksgiving.

So maybe everything isn’t coming up roses, but it isn’t all bad either.