Category Archives: Bandwagons

Friday Feast No. 122

What is one of your Christmas traditions?

    Rockford and I watch “It’s a Wonderful Life” on Christmas Eve.

Who is the easiest person on your list to buy presents for?

    Poppy. She isn’t terribly discriminating yet. She loves everything.

What is your favorite Christmas scent?


Main Course
If you could give a fellow blogger a Christmas gift, who would it be and what would you give them?

    I’d like to give Tia back to Taina. Tia was with Taina’s family for 16 months, and it breaks my heart that she has gone back to live with her birth mother. I can’t imagine how Taina feels. I’m in awe of her strength and her faith.

What’s something on your Christmas wish list this year that you need (not just want)?

    I don’t think there’s anything I really need, when you get right down to it.

The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to “feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions.”

. . . . . the end . . . . .

Friday Feast No. 121

What was your very first job with a paycheck?

    My dad signed me and my step-sister up to work at the GM family fun fair one summer. I think I was 13 or 14. My step-sister weaseled out of it somehow. I ended up working the tic-tac-toe beanbag toss for two whole afternoons. I think I made something like $30. And thus, my career as a carny was born.

Did you ever lose something really important to you?

    I had a miscarriage before we had Poppy, and it crushed me. And that’s all I have to say about that.
    (Except to say this: I don’t think this question was looking for that sort of answer. But that’s the first thing I thought of. So. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned the miscarriage on here before, and now I’ve just sort of tossed it out there and it feels very strange.)

What is the best Christmas present you ever received?

    Gosh, I don’t know.

Main Course
Tell about a favorite “hang out” place for you and your friends when you were in high school.

    I grew up in a pretty small town, so there weren’t really many places to “hang out.” We spent a lot of time at friends’ houses, I guess.

Name something that always brings a smile to your face.

    Puppies. And rainbows.

The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to “feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions.”
….. the end …..

Friday Feast No. 121

Which language would you like to learn, and why?

    Spanish. We were at the health clinic with Poppy this summer, trying to get her shots, and a woman came in who didn’t speak English, and apparently no one on staff there spoke Spanish. The receptionist just sort of pointed at a stack of papers, and the woman looked so confused and upset. I wanted to help her, but I don’t speak Spanish, so I couldn’t. I bought a learn-to-speak-Spanish program a few months ago. It’s one of my 2007 Goals.

What’s the funniest thing you’ve heard or read so far this week?

    I watched “Scrubs” last night, so it was probably somewhere on there.

Which movie was so bad you couldn’t watch the whole thing?

    “Talladega Nights: The Legend of Ricky Bobby.” We went with my sister-in-law, brother-in-law and father-in-law. My father-in-law walked out within the first 20 minutes. The rest of us followed pretty soon afterward. It was so disappointingly awful.

Main Course
If there were a holiday in your honor that didn’t use your actual name, what would it be called?

    I don’t know. Maybe Watch TV in Your Jammies While Indulding in an Ice Cream Sundae Day.

Name one movie that is coming out soon that you would like to see

    The Will Smith one that I’m pretty sure will make me cry.

The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to “feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions.”
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