Category Archives: National Blog Posting Month

I found some writing prompts and then didn’t use any of them.

I did not do much of anything worth telling you about today, so I hit the internet for some Writing Prompts. I found 52 Writing Prompts to Inspire Your Next Blog Post, and Over 1,000 Writing Prompts for Students, and Monthly Writing Prompts for Bloggers, so theoretically I should be able to come up with at least enough to cover the rest of November, right?

What I’m going to do now, though, is watch “Almost Famous” for the 4,398th time with my husband.

Good day to you.

This does not bode well

This afternoon I mentioned to Poppy that I was thinking about not participating in NaBloPoMo this year. In fact, I told her, I was thinking about shutting the blog down altogether. She did not care for that idea. “Write about me every day,” she said. I don’t know that I’ll do that, but I’m going to give NaBloPoMo a shot at least.

Happy November!

Documenting the everyday

Today is #OneDayHH day on instagram. It’s a thing Laura Tremaine, formerly of the Hollywood Housewife blog, came up with a few years ago in which you take pictures of what you’re doing all day long and post them to instagram, kind of like what we all do normally but on a more regular schedule and with a cohesive hashtag.

I love the project, and this is the fifth year I’d done it! In 2014 my day was mostly laundry and schoolwork with the kids, in 2015 we were fighting colds, in 2016 we watched my favorite baseball game of all time, and last year found us homeschooling, going to the library and introducing Poppy to “Stranger Things.”

What will #OneDayHH have in store for us in 2018? Let’s find out!

7am | Everything Old is New Again

9am | Jumping Through Hoops (Someday)

10am | Proud Mama Moment

11am | Pre-algebra

11am bonus | Dad vs. Autumn

noon | on the road

1pm | NaNoWriMo in the Parking Lot

4pm | Meow mix

5pm | Dissent is patriotic

6:30pm | sustenance

7:45pm | Test prep

8:15pm | Blue steel

9pm | Cake o’clock

10:30pm | Good night, and good luck