Ars poetica

We’re reading “The Glorious Flight” this week for school, and it has contains some really lovely descriptive phrases. So yesterday, P and I talked about descriptive writing. I did give her a little guidance as to how to put the descriptions together to create poems, but the phrases themselves are hers.

Grape Juice
Cold and sour, too.
Spills on the table
waiting to mop.

Cold and sweet.
The color white.
Good with peanut butter waffles.

The Red Marker
The color of bags,
aprons, cherries,
apples and Mickey Mouse’s buttony shirt.
It’s kind of funny.
You draw with the marker.
When you put it on paper
and zig-zag with it,
it makes a picture.

Papa’s Motorcycle
Brrrm brrrrrmmmmm
And I need earplugs like
my ear fingers.
A big black seat for Papa.
And two bars for my Papa.
It’s fast and big.

4 thoughts on “Ars poetica”

  1. Tell me that Papa is your dad, because the image of your husband on a motorcycle just isn’t one that I can summon. At all.

  2. Love the onomatopoeia in Papa’s Motorcycle! Hannah has been enjoying thinking of words that are sounds this week. I found a picture of Bleriot taking off from Calais France this morning in a book we had in our home from the Smithsonian series. There was even a picture of him in a parade and it’s amazing how similar he looks to the pictures in the book.

  3. @A Free Man — Yes, Papa is my dad! Rockford and two-wheeled modes of transportation don’t mix.

    @Tina — Have you seen this video of Bleriot in flight? Awesome.

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